... is a community-driven project, supported by the joining of hands of like-minded volunteers, private security companies, Umdoni Municipality, local Law Enforcement, the SAPS and the business sector. Participants are committed to restoring our public spaces to clean and safe environments, for the enjoyment of locals and visitors alike, whilst creating opportunities to improve the livelihoods of the committed cleaning teams created.
Many hands make light work! If you would like to make a donation to this project, adopt a verge or park, or keep an eye on what we are doing in order to get involved, you are on the correct page.
If you are interested in volunteering a service, your time, skill set or donating funds to help build our public spaces into pristine environments that we can all be proud of, we welcome your participation! Together we can do so much more
Please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you. You can phone or Whatsapp and, with your permission, we'd like to add you to our database, for which we'd like your name, telephone number, email address and street address (house number not required). We will not share such information outside of the Tidy Towns management team.